It's no surprise that companies all over the globe are trying to make their products more green to attract more customers (
oh yeah, and save the environment too). Recycling has become a lot more cool and attractive in the last few years.
Check out these recycling fashion statements:

Do you know how the recycling symbol came to be? Well, it is an interesting story! According to
Wikipedia, "...the Container Corporation of America sponsored a contest for art and design students at high schools and colleges across the country to raise awareness of environmental

issues. It was won by Gary Anderson, a 23-year-old college student at the University of Southern California whose entry was the image now known as the universal recycling symbol". Way to go Gary! I bet you never thought you would see your design on the front of so many products (
or teenagers' T-shirts for that matter!).
Designers have also transformed the
Möbius strip-like symbol into new and exciting designs, where will it go from here? There seems to be no end in sight, at least the planet is reaping the benefits of this trend!
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