Exhibit A: A New Addition to the Family
Geordi, our Corgi puppy
(Yes, he is named after Geordi La Forge, can you tell my husband is a Star Trek fan?)
My husband and I recently adopted a Corgi puppy from a Connecticut breeder. To say that he is a handful is the understatement of the century! Before we got him, I re
searched all that I could about Corgis. I learned that they are working dogs, so they always need a "job" to do, or they'll misbehave. This is so true! I can't leave him alone for a second or he'll pull a sock out of the laundry basket or chase the cats. He is a force to be reckoned with! He makes it difficult to do anything productive around the house (like, I don't know, updating a blog?), but I'm glad we adopted him, he is the best dog ever.
Exhibit B: A New Place to Call Home, Yee Haw!

One week ago today, my husband Ben and I packed up our Honda Civic (yes, you read that right, we travel light) with our puppy Geordi, our two cats and all of our everyday things to move from Middletown, Connecticut to Fort Worth, Texas. What prompted the approx. 1,700 mile move? Ben's job needed people in Ft. Worth, and he was chosen to meet that need. At first I was nervous, but I am quickly becoming accustomed to my new home.
My First Week in Texas:
- Learned the Texas Two-Step and strutted my stuff at a local bar
- Attended a Rodeo at the Ft. Worth Stockyards
- Ate real Texas BBQ at The Railhead (I had beef for two out of the three meals on Saturday, this is not the place for vegetarians!)
Exhibit C: A Happy Event

My sister got engaged!
My sister got engaged about a year ago, and the wedding is December 12th! I can't believe it's only a month away! I was chosen to be the Matron of Honor, and I don't take this job lightly. I have been helping her with all of the details especially the invitations, place cards and programs. I finished the invitations mid-October, and everyone absolutely loved them. (I'll be sure to post some pics because I am very proud of the way they came out).
As you can see, my life has been very busy...but now I finally have some time to update my website, blog and twitter posts, look for my updates in the near future! ;D