Monday, March 2, 2009

My First Entry

After months and months of hard work I have finally published my website! New England is being hit by a huge snow storm right now, what better time to start my blog, right?

I thought I would start with a few pointers about publishing websites that I learned the hard way. I have worked extensively with Adobe Dreamweaver, but until now, have never actually published my work to the web. I thought it would be as easy as choosing a domain name/hosting site and uploading (voilĂ !), but unfortunately for me it was not that easy.
  1. The most important lesson I learned was when you first define your site in Dreamweaver (Site-->Manage Site) you must choose "Links Relative to" : "Site Root" not "Document". This will save you a lot of time (You wont have to replace all of the strings that Dreamweaver wrote for you when you browsed to your images).

  2. When using someone else's JavaScript, make sure to check their files to see if their urls match your images folder. For example, I used an upper case "I" to name my images folder, and the author of one of my JavaScripts used a lower case "i". For some reason everything worked when I tested it on my computer, but when I uploaded it, images were missing. It is still a mystery why it worked on my computer...but at least I learned a lesson.

  3. Last but not least, make sure to choose a reputable site as your web host. A friend recommended Yahoo! Small Business, and it worked out great.
I know you're thinking ok, ok, enough with the tech-talk, but I just had to get that out there so someone else could benefit. Thanks for visiting my blog, check back soon!

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